the siners photography experience

The Blog

The heart of our country is the Midwest and that is where our roots lie. But as lovers of telling a beautiful story our experience as wedding photographers and visual storytellers has taken us all over the world. You deserve to have your story told and documented and that is what we are here for. Just think, years from now you will be sitting with your grandkids flipping through your wedding album and looking back on the moment and the day that started you on your journey and began your legacy. 

We love when our high school seniors request some shots a little outside of the box. It allows us to get our creative juices flowing and really explore new and exciting shots!  Selena is a High School senior in Indianapolis and is apart of several of her school’s musicals and plays. She has a passion to continue on in theatre once she graduates.  When she asked for some shots at the Indiana Repertory Theatre in Downtown Indianapolis we were so excited! Here is a preview of what we shot that day!

Selena Webb Senior Preview-0001

This shot was accomplished with three off camera speedlights. Each speedlight was connected to a PocketWizard TT5. On camera I had a PocketWizard Flex TT1 as well as the AC3 adapter to control the power of my flashes. I started with two sb-900’s up in the balcony set to Manual Power at Full (1/1) power aimed directly at my subject. I then set an sb-910 speedlight on the stage floor about 5 feet in front of my subject set to Manual Power at 1/32 power to help better define by subjects silhouette. It took about 5 – 10 minutes to get the lighting setup.

My camera settings were:
Nikon D4
Nikkor 24-70mm 2.8 at 24mm
F/16 (To accomplish the starburst from the speedlights in the balcony)
ISO 3200
WB 5200

Here is a diagram to help illustrate the shot for you.

Senior Theatre Shoot by The Siners Photography


Here are a few more shots from this session!

Selena Senior _Indianapolis Senior Photographer_TheSinersPhotography_0032

Selena Senior _Indianapolis Senior Photographer_TheSinersPhotography_0033

If you have any questions please feel free to email Nathan at


Indianapolis Senior Photographer: Off Camera Lighting


Personal Work, Senior