Today we are officially announcing that we will now offer consulting and mentoring opportunities to other photographers and creatives (small business owners of unique crafts and occupations). For the past few years, the idea of mentoring other people has frequently been on my (Nathan) list of dreams. People have asked about it, but I’ve always felt reluctant to take the next step and start up a training and mentoring program. If I’m honest, fear has been keeping me from stepping out. I have been afraid. Afraid that I may not know every answer someone might have, afraid of what others in the industry might think of me, afraid of public speaking, and ultimately, afraid of failing. As I stand here at the threshold of 2016, I have decided to step out from the place of fear and step into action. I am tired of wondering and waiting, and I am persuaded that this is the year to launch out. I want to make myself available to other people to serve and help them learn and perfect their craft. I was speaking with some family over the holidays and reflecting on the journey of our business the past six years. One of my family members said something that brought a fresh wave of gratefulness over me: Forbes magazine published an article stating that 80% of all small businesses fail within the first 18 months, and the average gross annual revenue for a non employer business is only $44,000. As I thought about these numbers and how many millions and millions of businesses exist in the world, I realized what a gift we have been given. Our business has made a profit each year (even our first), and we have seen steady growth in our end of the year numbers each year. As of the end of 2015, we have earned a yearly income that is more than five times what we made our first year. I feel like out of this place of gratitude, it’s now time to step out of my comfort zone and try to give back to others who are just getting started or who are feeling stuck in a rut in their career. I don’t know it all, but I do know how far we have come and I would love to help others along the way. When we launched into the photography and small business world over 6 years ago, we had very little idea of what we were doing! We have had some major ups and some major downs and continuous learning along the way. I strive to continue to grow in the craft of photography. We consistently redefine our brand and grow our business as a “photography couple”. In addition to business growth, we have gone from a newly married couple to having a family of 5 (2 kids and a puppy) 😉  We have spent times in the financial desert and have seen times of prosperity. We have developed a working relationship as husband and wife, and have really honed in on developing our work/home life balance as work-from-home-parents. It hasn’t always been easy or fun, but over these past 6 years I truly believe we have started to build something that defines who we are as people and who we are going to be for the rest of our lives. We will be offering 10 mentoring spots in 2016. What does Mentoring with The Siners look like? It will be a customized experience for whatever your needs may be. These mentoring sessions are catered directly for you. We will discuss topics like business management, workflow, & client experience…we want to help you develop a business model focused on your strengths that is unique and will set you apart from everyone else. (*For Photographers, we can even cover any photography related topics or questions you might have including shooting, equipment, editing, shooting weddings, off camera lighting, location scouting, and so much more!!)
If you are interested in finding out more about these opportunities click here to go to the Mentoring section on our website. We are beyond excited for this new adventure in our business and can’t wait to see the path ahead!!