Angie & Jordan show so much love and excitement for one another! We have had such a great time getting to know the two of them and are excited to post part one of their engagement shoot! Before the pictures here is their “Love Story”:
17 years ago Angie’s family moved to Zionsville and began attending Eagle Church, where Jordan’s family attended. We met rather quickly as it was a relatively small church and his parents were on staff there. Between many family after-church-lunches and youth events, it wasn’t long before Jordan and Angie noticed a sort of young chemistry. Upon gathering at the Barrow’s home in preparation for a church father-son Canadian backpacking event (where Angie’s older brother Mike and father were in attendance as well as Jordan and his father), Angie and Jordan found themselves standing in Angie’s parents garage and after confessing their 3rd grade ‘LIKE’ for each other, she looked at him and said, “So are you going to ask me out?”. After explaining to him what “going out” was (Angie did have the older brother, after all) they were official 😉 As with any juvenile relationship it was not all smooth sailing. 6th grade Angie was ready to move on to bigger and better things and decided this boyfriend-girlfriend stuff with Jordan was over. She returned to him a necklace he had purchased for her in a sealed, white envelope. Angie handed him the envelope in the hallway and turned to walk away. Jordan, immediately opened the envelope to see his necklace and decided the only thing he could do was to THROW IT RIGHT BACK AT HER! Despite all the drama with the help of Anxiety rings they were able to maintain a friendship through middle school. Jordan moved away to Iowa during the second semester of 7th grade. Through some mutual family friends Angie went to go visit him when they were 13, the summer after 7th grade . It was there, in his parents’ basement, that they had their first kiss.
Jordan later moved back to Zionsville in high school. They went their separate ways in high school and college, but God brought them back together again… And by His plan and grace alone, here they are a “few” years later, at a point neither of them could’ve ever imagined! Less than a year away from getting married! 🙂